Saturday Night Liv – A Tribute

Remembering Ed Sullivan and Carol Burnett

Comedienne and singer/songwriter Liv Cummins brings her old-fashioned-variety-show with-a-twist to The Spectrum Playhouse in Lee, hosting “Saturday Night Liv” June 3rd and 4th at 7:30 pm. Sketch comedy featuring the Really Convincing Players and area magician Carl Seiger will perform, along with musical performances by Cummins and area songwriters Sandy McKnight and Alan Monasch, along with “a few surprises,” promises Cummins.

Seiger is a well-known performer who lives in Tyringham. He performs all over the country, doing his smooth brand of magic. The Really Convincing Players include local actors Andrew Joffe and Sarah Mitchell, John Wallace of Kinderhook, NY, Tony Carrano of Hudson, NY, and Cummins, doing original sketches written by McKnight, Joffe and Cummins.

The show is presented by Columbia Arts Team (CAT), a not-for-profit performing arts company. “We aim for a family-friendly type show, though some of the humor may be over the heads of the younger patrons. But we’ve found that the show appeals to al ages. There’s not too much out there a whole family can go to and enjoy equally, but with our variety format, there’s something for everyone…just like Ed Sullivan or Carol Burnett used to do,” enthused Cummins.

This is the 15th year for the homespun variety show, which McKnight and Cummins debuted in Hudson, NY in 2002. They are planning two “episodes” this year, with a second to follow in September. “There is discussion with a few Pittsfield venues about presenting it there, too,” Cummins explained. “We’ll be doing episode two at The Spectrum during Lee Founder’s Day weekend, and hope to bring the show all around the Berkshires.”

Cummins and McKnight are also co-founders of Berkshire Organization for Original Music (BOOM), which works to nurture local, original music in the Berkshires, exposing it to a wider audience.

Tickets are $20, with a Senior/Student price of $10 or Family 4-pack at $30 (in advance only), and can be purchased in advance with a credit card or Paypal at  All tickets at the door are $20, cash only.