Saturday Night LIV!

A mix of sketch comedy, music, and novelty acts. This ‘something for everyone’ approach is a hit with audiences of all ages! 

Columbia Arts Team (CAT), a not-for-profit performing arts corporation, presents

Friday, Sep. 15th @  6:30pm – Special Family Edition!

Special Family Ticket Package: $25 (includes 2 adults + up to 3 kids) / $10 general

Hilarious live sketch comedy, music, & variety.

Saturday, Sep. 16th @ 7:30pm

A mix of sketch comedy, music, and novelty acts, the show brings to mind the old Carol Burnett Show, with a bit of Ed Sullivan in the mix.  This ‘something for everyone’ approach is a hit with audiences of all ages! 

Tickets: $20 general / $15 seniors / $10 students

Refreshments available.