A play about labels on young girls.
Please join us on Wednesday, May 11 at 7 pm for Miss Labeled, a play created by the WAM Theatre Girls Ensemble.
Miss Labeled focuses on the labels young girls feel they are given by society and their peers. It explores issues such as bullying, domestic violence and school dress codes.
The WAM Girls Ensemble is comprised of girls aged 13-20 selected by audition from throughout Berkshire County. Under the leadership of WAM teaching artists Barby Cardillo and Amy Brentano, the inaugural cohort of girls devised this original show last fall. They used different theatre techniques to create material around their chosen starting point, sharing the girls’ own perspectives and stories as part of the process. A successful performance at Shakespeare & Company’s Bernstein Theatre in December led to a spring tour of local schools and is now concluding with this second public performance.
The show is presented free of charge thanks to the generous support of the Feigenbaum Foundation, Brabson Library and Education Foundation, Lenox Education Enrichment Fund and other generous donors.