Since the Movie Club’s screening of “Ender’s Game” was cancelled due to technical difficulties, this blog contributor instead attended a meeting of the Spectrum Playhouse Chorus in March.
The Chorus practices weekly on Thursdays at the Playhouse with instructor Lora Bresson. It is a part of the College Internship Program (CIP) creative activities curriculum, giving students a chance to express themselves vocally. Mrs. Bresson mostly known for her Career Coordinator job, but having a singing talent herself, works with students to improve the skills and confidence in order to sing to public. They already performed this past winter at Devonshire Estates and at CIP’s Berkshire Holiday Party. This spring chorus will be performing their songs at various venues, including Pittsfield’s April or May Third Thursday as well as at our CIP Convocation in May.
The chorus includes students I know like John L., True, and Katrina. While I’m sure of all of the Chorus’s usual duties, from what I saw, they sing songs despite having differences and sometimes conflicting personalities. I managed to witness the chorus’ renditions of Peter, Paul, & Mary’s “500 Miles” and Billy Joel’s “The Longest Time”. Although parts of the practice went somewhat roughly, for the most part the singing was quite good. So looking ahead to hear them in the near future.
– John Pannozzi