Hosted by Liv Cummins
A sketch comedy/variety show. Remember those great variety shows of the late 1960s and early 70s? Ed Sullivan, Carol Burnett, the original Saturday Night Live? They combined comedy, music, and novelty acts of all kinds: impressionists, jugglers, acrobats, plate spinners, and many other acts, some absolutely indescribable! TV may have forgotten the variety show, but the rebirth of the genre is about to happen, right in front of you! SATURDAY NIGHT LIV, hosted by Liv Cummins, is a live variety show where almost anything can happen — great singers and songwriters, sketch comedy, musical theater moments — in short, variety! After all, it’s the spice of life.
September 25 & 26, 7:30pm
$10 students & seniors / $20 general